




With the development of Internet, People’s Daily life has been inseparable from the Network. In the future, people’s life and work will become more and more digital, network and electronic. It will be the latest form of directly managed movie web sites. This paper is to build a movie website as the goal, using Java technology production, by the administrator and user two parts. The system mainly includes home page, personal center, user management, film information management, film classification management, film mall management, commodity classification management, community communication, system management, order management and other functions, as well as background database management. From the system design to the detailed implementation are based on the system construction ideas and mysql database design method.
The application of the system can reduce the labor intensity of the staff, improve the work efficiency and management level, has great value. It can make the operation of film website simple, the success rate is high, so that the management of online film advances to a higher level.
This system tries to use SSM to construct a dynamic movie website on the Internet, so that every user can manage movie information through the system at home.

潜江资讯网发布企业网络设计论文商标名称查询系统 免费免费的个人网站源码下载政府采购平台怎么加入外贸公司联系电话简易app制作方法平面设计学什么内容超云seo优化网页设计一套多少钱全国委员会常务委员会广州免费建网站手工制作帽子泗阳疫情最新消息雅昌集团北京广告公司排名网站建设咨询费南宁网站制作服务至上乐清网络问效平台官方网站推广课程社交小程序开发老专个人网站武汉建站平台详细解读公司名称设计效果图精品课程网站建设论文全国疫情最新情况实时地图平面设计基础考试题及答案如何建立微信公众号的步骤淮北人才网襄阳网络推广淮南网约房


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